If earlier scars and scars were in most cases an ornament for a man, today marks on the skin are considered a serious cosmetic defect that requires urgent disposal. Scars are a particularly unpleasant problem for the fair sex, who most often fail to disguise the marks with the help of cosmetics.
The main problem of scars is that they most often occur for various reasons on prominent parts of the body, especially on the face. Therefore, they look at least not aesthetically pleasing. However, modern medicine offers many ways to get rid of marks on the skin. In particular, laser treatment of scars and scars with the help of specially designed devices is widely practiced.
How and why scars form on the body
Aesthetically unattractive marks on the skin are most often formed due to soft tissue damage, such as burns, cuts, surgical interventions, animal bites, as well as diseases such as acne. Scars and scars are the result of replacing ordinary skin with connective tissue, which differs from the dermis in appearance and structure. Some patients mistakenly believe that "scar" and "scar" are two completely different concepts. But in fact, it's the same thing: the word "scar" is most often used in ordinary medical practice, and "scar" - in everyday life.
What you need to know before you start laser treatment of scars
Before proceeding to direct procedures to get rid of marks on the skin, it is important to know that scars and scars appear for a variety of reasons. Consequently, marks of a specific type require a specific approach to get rid of. The most common are:
The so-called "sinking" scars on the skin, which are characterized by small depressions. Most often, such marks remain after skin diseases, such as acne. They arise as a result of a deficiency in the site of the lesion of collagen — the main "building material" for the skin.
Lumpy scars characterized by the formation of skin rollers. Unlike "sinking" scars that arise due to an excess of collagen, bumpy ones, on the contrary, are the result of an excess of skin protein. As a result, the connective tissue grows significantly, creating "relief" marks on the skin.
Rough scars formed as a result of deep cuts or after surgical interventions.
Narrow scars of various lengths, which in medical practice are also called "stretch marks" or "striae".
The so-called "flat" scars, which are difficult to see at first glance, since they are located in most cases on the same level with the skin.
These are just some types of skin markings that can be treated with a laser. However, to choose the optimal treatment method, it is not enough to know only the etiology of scars: it is equally important to take into account the degree of skin damage, as well as the density of the scar. In addition, it is extremely important to determine the presence / absence of circulatory disorders at the site of skin lesions.
What are the advantages of laser treatment of scars
As mentioned above, today there are many techniques for eliminating scars and scars on the skin. But laser therapy has several significant advantages over other technologies:
Extremely accurate local impact on connective tissue, not affecting healthy skin.
Absolutely safe and sterile effect on the skin.
It allows not only to eliminate the scar, but also to neutralize the accompanying skin problems: skin irregularities, traces of pigmentation, fine wrinkles, stretch marks, etc.
Provides the fastest possible disposal of traces on the skin, reducing the rehabilitation period several times.
Among other things, modern laser equipment has excellent technical and operational characteristics, several adjustment modes, which provides an individual approach in each case.
How are scars and scars treated with a laser
The laser technique is especially in demand for the treatment of scars and scars left after acne. With the help of modern equipment , getting rid of traces of skin damage occurs in the following sequence: https://nationgesundheit.de/sildalis-preis-online/
The scar tissue is sequentially removed layer by layer.
The overall structure of the dermis is significantly improved by stimulating the production of collagen.
The safety of the procedure is guaranteed by the gentle action of the laser on the connective tissue, without affecting healthy skin.
After several sessions of laser therapy, no traces of damage remain on the skin.